Peer to Pier PROGRAM


The purpose of this fellowship was supported originally by an award from the National Sea Grant Program and contributions from Oyster South’s annual fundraiser, LANDLOCKED.

The P2P program defrays travel expenses for farmer and chef applicants to travel to other farms to observe and study the farming techniques of their peers. Peer to Pier will continue once again in 2024 and 2025 with generous additional funding from the National Sea Grant Program and will be managed by Georgia Sea Grant.

This program not only strengthens the network between southern oyster farms and chefs and farms around the country, but it strengthens relationships and improves our industry nationally at a time when we need it most.

In 2023, 2024, and 2025 we again want to encourage our farmer and chef members to get first hand oyster farm knowledge they can take back to their respective farms and restaurants.


To apply, applicants must submit a brief application according to the guidelines detailed in the next section.

The next review date for P2P will be March 1st; or until the funds are expended (whichever comes first). Applicants will be notified within two weeks of the review date. Awardee funds will be sent as a lump-sum honorarium after the travel is completed and receipts and report provided.


The application should be on organizational letterhead and be no longer than 5 pages (longer applications will be returned). The application must be comprised of the following sections:

  1. Applicant must be a current member of Oyster South and formally engaged in business already;

  2. The applicant should clearly indicate the conference, show and/or farm/business visits proposed, with locations and dates noted;

  3. The applicant should provide a document with at least one written paragraph explaining what he/she hopes to learn from the proposed event and/or site visit and how the information will be used to improve his/her own business;

  4. The applicant should provide at least one written paragraph indicating how the applicant will share the new information with his/her local colleagues (e.g., agreeing to share photos, delivering a presentation, contributing to an industry newsletter); and

  5. The applicant must agree to answer follow-up questions about the effectiveness of the learning experience in order to allow assessment of the effectiveness of this program.


Please send your completed application to Board Member Bill Walton and cc Executive Director Beth Walton by email:

Email address: and