Overview and Application Guidelines



Oyster South was established in 2016 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to advancing oyster farming in southern coastal states from North Carolina to Texas. Oyster South strives to advance sustainable and responsible shellfish aquaculture practices and provide the building blocks for a productive and thriving industry in the region. Throughout the region, the growth of the industry has led to an increased demand for oyster hatchery production.  This situation has been exacerbated by regulatory restrictions on seed movement coupled with impacts suffered by the industry in 2018 due to Hurricanes Florence and Michael. To address this issue, Oyster South has raised funds this year to support commercial oyster hatchery production that will provide seed to commercial oyster farms in the region.


Projects that do not align with this focus will not be considered in this call.


Application Process

To apply, applicants must submit a brief application according to the guidelines detailed below. Applications will be accepted until midnight February 15th, 2019 (CST). Selected applicants will be announced no later than  March 1st. Funding of individual projects is limited to $5,000.  Projects must be implemented in 2019. Oyster South expects to be able to award 4 to 5 grants as selected by the Oyster South Advisory Board.


The application should be on organizational letterhead and be no longer than 5 pages (longer applications will be returned). The application must be comprised of the following sections:


  1. Organization (Company) Name;

  2. Contact Person and Contact Details;

  3. Project Title;

  4. Introduction: Provide a succinct but thorough description of the need or identified problem to be addressed;

  5. Objective: Describe the objective or goal of the project;

  6. Project Methods Provide a detailed description of how the work will be conducted (include location, broodstock origination, etc.);

  7. Organization (Company) and Personnel Qualifications: Describe how your company and staff are equipped to successfully complete the project;

  8. Project Benefits: Describe how results of the project will benefit the oyster farming industry in the southern US and how many farms might benefit;

  9. Project Timeline: Provide a detailed description of the sequence or timing of project activities (use a table if needed);

  10. Other Funding Sources: List any funds available to conduct the project or funds being sought from other sources (this will not affect your requested amount);

  11. Budget (detailed): List by the following categories – equipment, supplies, repair expenses, electricity, etc. (Company or personal labor may not be included);

  12. Letters of Collaboration: Include any letters from project partners and collaborators; and

  13. Letters of Support: Include letters from individuals and entities supporting your project.


Note – Other Funding Sources, Detailed Budget, Letters of Collaboration, and Letters of Support will not count toward the page limit.

Please e-mail your completed application to Beth Walton, Executive Director, Oyster South at Applications must be received no later than midnight February 15th, 2019 CST.